How has Banksy managed to keep his identity a secret?
Not really fussed about having a debate about whether his (?) work is any good or not, but how, in the internet age, has he managed to keep his identity a secret?
There must be loads of people who know who he is, surely? His agent, accountant, the galleries that show his works etc. How has managed to get them all to collude in the mystery? How has his identity not leaked?
How does he get paid? Obviously he doesn't for the street art stuff, but for his prints and canvasses? The printers that produce them for him must know who he is?
And if there isn't this verification along the line, how can anything be verified as a genuine Banksy? And if it's not verified, why do people spend thousands of pounds on what could quite easily be a fake? If there's a certificate of authenticity, who signs it off? What processes do galleries/auctioneers go through before selling his art?
What I find great about the whole thing, is that even if Banksy did actually out himself people still wouldn't believe it was him anyway.
Maybe there is no individual called Banksy? Maybe it's just a brand, with loads of people that contribute work under that name?