You make your own luck...
Not sure I entirely agree with this phrase as I can think of plenty of cases where someone has spawned a right stroke of fortune, but there is something to be said for hard work isn't there and being open to things?
Sounds a bit 'Yes man' but often hear someone say at work 'I can't do that...' then someone else on the team does it in 10 minutes. Or have friends moaning that we don't all meet up very often now yet never try and organise anything. My Mum moaned at me today for not phoning my ill nan (who I didn't know was ill and who I phone every week but who has never phoned me once).
I'm not saying that life always rewards you, but if you make the effort it can, can't it? Spoke to a mate last week who just decided to get on with everything he's talked about not having the time to do and since Christmas, he's got a short story published, started up a business, won a design award and got engaged.
Basically, what I'm saying is the world is that my Nan could phone me, right?