Library collection
Do you think it's healthy to have a grand, canonised collection of music and/or films in your possession (not necessarily on CD or DVD; just listed in your head or on some database), or is this a sign I might be somewhat obsessive and unhinged?
I used to be obsessed with films and the thread about political thrillers just reminded me of my useless, extensive knowledge of films I haven't even seen (THX 1138, The Conversation etc.) thanks to spending a chunk of my escapist late-teenage life looking at Rotten Tomatoes ratings of films and ranking them on Word, even though I know it's a bit of a crap way of comparing films. I know Epimer, fffeargol, aggressively_passive, confrontedbybears and Songs_About_Ducking are going to tell me off whatever I say (they all hate my guts which I'm genuinely upset about; I want to cry in their arms and be cuddled by them to sleep), or is it not uncommon to constantly want to organise a dense, comprehensive collection, make crazy lists and wish to know everything about something but nothing else? I'm pretty sure Costello and Tarantino would classify as this in their respective fields.