Inverse snobbery
Are you guilty of it? Is it acceptable?
Users of TheStudentRoom seem to think it's the worst thing in the world, but I can't help my prejudice towards people who are basically born rich. I just think it's disgusting that young people should be so lucky in life. I never really noticed it before I went university, or anticipated that some such people would get on my nerves with their irritatingly stuffy posh voices, their arrogance and their general awfulness as human beings. Outside university, it's like they're a shielded, invisible social class that barely even exists from common perspective. And it's like they've started on some kind of raised platform which has all the answers and cheats hidden from the rest of us. I find this outrageous.
Now, I don't have a problem if you live in a house like this:
Provided you came from a house like this:
I think people should be able to work their way up in life and touch the stars if they want to, but is the wealth of most upper-middle classes really, seriously relative to the amount of work they've put in?
Let's answer this question by defining work-input as μ, and the stages of social class as 'platforms' in 10s from 0 to 100. The born-rich start on platform 50, go to private school and end up on platform 60, 70 or 80 with a work-input of μ, 2μ or 5μ respectively. Meanwhile, everyone else starts on platform 30 and needs to perform a work-input of 10μ just to get to platform fucking 40. And in many cases, we're not even granted access to the information which tells us how to perform 𝑥μ. So the answer is no, hence my prejudice. Given how cuntish this is, do you think inverse snobbery is acceptible? It's a tough decision and it will hurt a few nice and genuine people who won't deserve it, Radiohead being some of them, but I think inverse snobbery is actually vital if we're ever gonna have some sort of revolution against this reign of maliciously engineered misinformation and social immobility in the UK.