Why I love dis
Ok well I'm not sure what the general perception of me on here is anymore, I joined in around 2009 I think and definitely trolled for a while and antagonised people, some of whom deserved it, others did not.
Recently (I would say the last year or so) I have tried to just be completely nakedly myself on here and ditch any bravado and nonsense in the hopes that I might be accepted more as myself...I'm getting older (26.5 now) and it's ridiculous to pretend to be anything I'm not at this age.
All that being said I just wanted to say a few things about this website:
It's a weird thing really, coming from a small town and a working class background I never really felt part of any movement locally, dis was my first real experience of people sharing the same interests in music and ideology and when I joined I hugely admired and looked up to everyone who posted here.
For better or worse I've fallen in live with a couple of 'dis' people and had mad angry arguments with many others. I've said horrendous things that I'm deeply ashamed of and I have done generous things that I would never normally do.
That's life though right? I guess the same things would have occurred if I spent 20-26 in any other way but i spent those years in large part as a diser and I'm proud of that, it's been a lovey experience and I am proud of it even if many/some of you think I'm a horrible self-obsessed attention seeking cunt (actually I am...I'm just shit at trying not to be)
Thank you all x