The transition from primary school to secondary school.
I don't get it. All my classmates at primary school between Years 1 to 6 were friendly and innocent. There were some people I didn't like much, but no one was intimidating. There was no danger of picking up social anxiety. Then all of a sudden in my first year of secondary school, about 85% of my entire year group were actual fucking cunts. To me it seemed people like this didn't exist before. Along with hot female peers, these cunt-kids (the tough kids, the chav kids, the sporty kids and the music-snob kids) acted as a foundation to this realm of supposedly incontrovertible 'coolness' from which I felt automatic exclusion. This is just an anecdote but I was emotionally and homophobically bullied erroneously by some absolute twats in my KS3 tutor group (3 years of being with the same people in the same lessons; it was hell) and developed really bad social anxiety. The state comprehensive I went to wasn't even particularly that shit.
Why is this? I guess in Year 7, most kids start reinventing themselves as cunts to avoid being bullied by other cunts who did the same thing.
Did anyone else notice this at school?