Imagine the DiS forums were a pub
There's always a big group of football fans huddled around the TV watching Sky Sports and calling each other things like 'mate' and 'pal' and rustling each others' hair
There's a table of rahs who talk about things like food and trainers like they're really important and who keep laughing too loudly
There's a small table where they hold Sociology Society meetings and tut at the others' jokes
There's a few arcade machines in the corner where people have tournaments on Thursdays
There's a few nerds playing MtG in the other corner
There's a room upstairs where there's a jukebox and people with long hair hang out
There's a few nutters propping up the bar and ranting at the sky
There's a couple of folk who keep trying to get in using increasingly elaborate disguises even though they're barred
There's the mods behind the bar with one eye on the door
There's a managers office in the back where someone's trying to work even though someone opens the door and shouts 'SEAN' every five minutes
The toilets are blocked
Which part do you hang around in?