Legal (sort of) question about speaking English and jury duty
Had jury duty today, didn't get pick (that's twice in two days I've lost at bingo).
Before they chose the jury the clerk asked if anybody had any reason they thought they should be exempt and asked people to come and speak to her personally.
A woman went up and spoke to her for a while, the rest of the court, being nosy, was quiet and could overhear the clerk slowly explaining that, if she had been living here for 3 years, the state saw no reason as to why her level of English shouldn't be high enough to be on a jury. The woman was obviously a bit distressed and eventually she was let go.
Is this contempt of court or something? Should it be?
Furthermore, does that mean that people who do not speak English to a high enough level to function as a juror - and hence ruling themselves out of their duty even when the state sees no reason why they shouldn't - ARE ILLEGAL PEOPLE?
P.s this thread is designed to see if you're one of the UKIPs or not.
p.p.s don't know anything about law