and other things that you shouldn’t really piss yourself laughing at (sorry I know we did a 'things you laugh at when you shouldn't' thread before, but GAF.)
On my way back from lunch I walked up the road alongside a man and his guidedog. (I wasn't stalking them, it's just I would slow occasionally to text and they'd catch up and then they'd slow and then I'd slow. Etcetera. Coincidence.)
First thing, dog did was not know where to stop by the kerb. LOL!!1111 He was about two foot away!! he also couldn't tell when it was a green man and a man who was crossing from the other side had to say 'hey pal, that's green man, tell yer dug' but the dug was too busy with his head in a woman's sainsbury's bag. He sniffed my leg (Ok maybe a wee bit higher), and then- the piece de resistance- he hunkered down and did a fantastic great steaming shit in the middle of the street (his poor owner was a bit bewildered.)
It was only at the point of PooGate that I realised he was being monitored/ trained by a GDFTB person, because she sprang into action with a pooper scooper and was reassuring the man that veerything was ok, there was 'an incident' (she actually said 'yer dug's daein' a whupsie'.) And I also knew she was a dog person because she had a fleece on that said "GUIDE DOGS".
I have a feeling this poor dog might not be really cut out for guide dogging and I wonder if i could have him if he fails.....
Got me thinking about a few things:
1. isn't is totally fascinating and humbling how these creatures can (when trained properly) give such an amazing lease of life to people who have visual impairment. even though this dog was a potential walking, barking, sniffing and shiteing deathtrap, the chap who was walking him was grinning happily and giggling when he did naughty things.
2. are guide dogs and their owners exempt from having to pick up dog shit? because on this occasion Fleece Woman was on hand to help, but normally it would just be the guy and teh dog and most VI people wouldn't want to be having to stop to bend opver and pick up a dog mess, would they?
HMMM. Anyway, I was naughty and tickled his head before racing down a side street to my office before I could get shouted at.