diy-y and creative people of DiS combine - i wanna make something for my thinly-veiled
So I'm getting married in 4 weeks (yay!) and we are going to get each other a gift.
My gf is a huge Prince and Bowie fan and I wanted to get a music box which plays a song by either Bowie or Prince.
Anyway, can't find any for sale and if i want " to have a 12 seconds movement made, that repeats is $2200.00 for the initial first proto-type and takes months." (actual quoted price alert) So that's out of the window.
But they did suggest doing something with a recording in it that plays when you open it (kind of like one of these greetings cards -
Any of you know of a place that would be able to make something like this (preferably in the UK) where it doesn't look totes shit, or have any advice on how i can make it so it doesn't look totes shit?