Interviews (dots' life crisis thread #34841)
I've got an interview tomorrow. For a job that I might actually want! I know.
The interview is supposed to last 90 minutes. That's quite a lot. It's split into three parts:
PART 1 - questions to explore your experience, achievements, and career (lol) to date, including questions around specific skills and knowledge required for the role.
PART 2 - questions based on the appropriate behavioural competency framework.
PART 3 - questions about the role, together with the opportunity for you to ask any questions you may have about the role of the *organisation*.
Obviously I fucking hate interviews because they're the worst things in the world. But I never really know what to ask them in the last section, and also what you should answer to those awful questions that EVERYONE is asked at every interview ever. I can't just say "well, I'm a bit of a perfectionist" and sit there with a shit-eating grin for every question, can I?
So basically, help. What do I need to know/remember/say/not say/wear etc?
Shall I print the orange and blue whale as evidence of my Photoshop skills?