Status Quo beer pun challenge (old people are funny)
As you will all be aware, Status Quo have released a new 'classic english ale' call Piledriver (named after their 1972 album). The person that can come up with the best Status Quo beer pun on their facebook page will win themselves a crate.
It took me a little while to get into it, but so far i've come up with:
1) Beer of Two Head - after their album 'Dog of Two Head'
2) Beer-a Quo - after their album 'Bula Quo' (admittedly this one is rubbish)
3) Thirst Work - after their album 'Thirsty Work' (not actually a pun)
4) Ma Kelly's Greasy Wetherspoon - after their album 'Ma Kelly's Greasy Spoon. As the beer is sold exclusively in Wetherspoon's this one should clearly win.
Anyway, lots of older Status Quo fans have had a go. Some of them are actually pretty good (Pitchers of Matchstick Men!), but others are just awful. Really awful. Such as:
1) Lager Quo
2) Don't Jive My Bar
3) Rockin' Ale Over the World (I actually quite like this one)
4) Neck It Down the Dustpipe
5) It's Only Quo n Beer But I Like It
6) I'm sure these beers will be rocking all over the world turning a big fat mama to a mean girl (just cramming in loads of song titles there)
7) Life long Quo fan at the bar, Quo came along with a rocking guitar, Whatever you want, What you're proposing, At my local, Piledriver beer, Just Supposing !!! (again, just randomly smashing song titles together)
8) HOPping all over the world
9) The spinning head blues, Keg-undula, living on an Ale-land, dont waste my pint, down the dust-pint (these aren't even vaguely close to the original song titles)
10) on yer marks...get set .....quo for some piledriver now !!
11) Beer John (love this one for some reason, it doesn't reference anything at all as far as I know)
... and so it goes on. Some of the require a knowledge of Quo's back catalogue to appreciate just how bad they are, but you should get the idea.
Feel free to add your own below!