Saw the most excruciating thing I've ever seen on telly last night
'First Dates' on Channel 4. Two people wot get filmed having a date with someone they've not met before. At th'end of the date they move into a different room together and tell the camera how they think it went and whether they want to see each other again. Two men had just been on their date and before both of them were in the post-date bit one of them got asked if he fancied the other and he said 'yeah, i do.' and then his date arrived and sat next to him and it was slightly awkward and first man goes 'well i'd like to see you again, if...?' expecting a 'yeah definitely' reply but instead there was silence and then 'erm, i had a lovely time... i just don't think there was that spark' and first man's like 'oh okay. cool. cool' and then 'er... i don't think there's anything else i can say' whilst his face looked a bit like he wanted to cry and then they both just got up awkwardly and walked off really redfaced and it was fucking horrific