Sperm/ Egg Donations
I saw an advert the other day about egg donating and it said that you get like £750. I don't know what the current going rate is for sperms but it just got me thinking.
Would I be willing to give some one the opportunity to raise some thing that was biologically mine? (I'm not discussing the nature/ nurture debate btw) Just got me thinking. I don't know whether I would give up an egg even if i was desperate for the money, mainly because I think I'm still unsure about when I want to have kids myself.
Also I know a lot of you have kids anyway, like would this deter you to give up sperms/eggs or would you be less bothered to give some one the opportunity to raise a child of their own using your...EQUIPMENT, because you've already got child/ren of your own.
And what about the people who have decided they don't want kids at all? Do you have any qualms giving away something that would potentially create a life with half of your biological/ physical features?
Not sure if this has been discussed before...just thought i'd try something different