Layman Physics: Space / quantum physics stuff that excites you
Can we talk about this please?
I've always said I'd be a Physicist / astronomer if I was clever. But alas I'm not. Numbers confuse me. But that doesn't stop me loving stuff about space and atoms and quarks and you mum.
Things that are mega exciting right now are:
1) Exoplanets. Planets outside out solar system. In 2018 we're going to start mapping the continents and oceans of alien planets. Mentally ace.
2) This new theory that eliminates a big bang:
3) The ultra deep field photo (and the newer one)
4) All the things we don't know. So exciting. Like this craziness:
5) The Mars rover(s).
Anymore? Let's chat about stuff I'm interested in but my puny mind can't properly comprehend.