Megastudy knowledge of English words
Hey guys.
An academic I work with sent me this, asking for people to do it. So come and do this test, it's really interesting. It seriously is. Some of the non-words are great, I might make a list of the ones I like and get them in to common parlance.
Maybe even post your scores below. idk.
You need to do it in any browser other than Explorer or it doesn’t work properly (obviously)
Here's the info behind it.
On the basis of our corpus analyses we have a list of some 60 thousand English words (mostly lemmas, no names). To find out how well these words are known, we have set up a vocabulary test. It is based on the Y/N paradigm in second language acquisition (Meara & Jones, 1987; Harrington & Carey, 2009; Fairclough, 2011; Lemhofer & Broersma, 2012; Izura, Cuetos, & Brysbaert, 2014). You get a list of 100 words and nonwords and simply have to indicate which English words you know (takes 4 minutes). Your scores are corrected for the number of nonwords you say “yes” to.
Because the test is still in its testing phase, there is likely to be some frustration. On the basis of our experiences with a similar test in Dutch (500,000 participants thus far), we can expect that 1% of the words and 3% of the nonwords are problematic. The best way to clear these is to make use of the responses and feedback from the first few thousands of participants.
So, if you would be kind enough to do the test once, twice (or as many times as you like; you get a different sample of words and nonwords each time you run the test), that would be most appreciated.