Asking for a pay rise
I'm on minimum wage, live in London and have been at my job for eight months now. Recently, I have taken on extra responsibilities and don't find my joke of a wage any longer funny. The "London living wage" is £8.80, im on £6.31. When you factor in my weekly travelcard (30 odd quid a week) I earn just a little bit more than I would get on the dole. So when the weekend comes along I can barely afford to get pissed outta my nut :(
My job is in members club in a really expensive, posh part of town. I'm pretty damn certain they can defo cough up the readies. They pay practically everyone minimum wage and a lot of us work our socks off.
How do I get them to gimme more money? I want the London living wage or i'm gonna petition the owner/fock off somewhere else.
Thanks hitsquad.