Want to ensure you pay your 'fair share of tax'?
One of the things we often worry about on DiS is that we're not getting taxed enough. Many threads have been started in the past with helpful tips on how to make sure we don't accidentally avoid paying any tax which we owe. After all, taxation is the greatest gift the State has given us.
Well, the Consertvative-led Oxfordshire County Council (which covers the Prime Minister's constituency no less) is thinking of trialing a scheme whereby you can give them *extra* tax if you wish.
What a fantastic idea! Let's hope it spreads right across the country, and to central Government too. This way I can be sure I pay my 'fair share', and if I think I might not be paying enough - I can top up to make sure!
Hmmm, interesting...
(For those that missed it, this was originally posted on the music board. Obviously. Apologies to Sean)