Christmas Dinner thread
(or lunch for those who have it early, as we are doing this year.)
what are you having?
My mum has ordered a small turkey.
I'm doing a ham.
We're not bothering with starters this year because we're eating early and we'll have only finished brunch a few hours before.
It's the SIDES that I love most though-
red cabbage
chestnuts and bacon
stuffing (ooooh pardon)
cranberries getting everywhere
And the cheese of course.
What are you having this year?
Also, what's your day like? Do you ahve a late lunch? An early dinner?
My ideal would be- brunch around 11am then present opening and gettign ready for lunch, and then lunch at about 3.30.
This year we're starting lunch at 1 so that my sister can go to her boyfriend's house for late lunch.
(I'm going to be getting put to bed by 4pm at this rate.)