Do you ever feel like, in terms of social importance, sci-fi and indie/rock music have swapped places?
In the 80s and 90s, science fiction was mainly liked by needlessly argumentative social pariahs who couldn’t accept that the era of Star Trek and Doctor Who was largely over, but kept in touch with each another via fanzines, early online forums and gaudy under-attended events. There were sporadic occasions when the stuff they liked became popular (The X Files, Buffy), but most mainstream stuff was critically derided (any film that involved some kind of mission to Mars or Will Smith punching aliens). At the same time, music fans from all over the world would cram into large venues to enjoy the mostly-positive communal atmosphere, see their heroes, and would often try to emulate the way they dressed.
Now, indie/rock music is mainly liked by needlessly argumentative social pariahs who can’t accept that the musical climate that gave us The Smiths and Nirvana is largely over, but still keep in touch with each another via fanzines, forums and gaudy under-attended events. There are sporadic occasions when the stuff they like becomes popular (Arcade Fire, Arctic Monkeys), but most mainstream stuff is critically derided (Mumford & Sons, Coldplay). Meanwhile, sci-fi fans from all over the world cram into large venues to enjoy the mostly-positive communal atmosphere, see their heroes, and often try to emulate the way they dress.
I won’t lie to you. There’s a good chance I’m talking bollocks here.