Social Board GarageBand Non-Musicians Two Hour Song Challenge
Or SBGBNMTHSC. So, I finally caught up to 5 years ago and downloaded GarageBand, which is fun. After I got the hang of it, me and a couple of friends instigated a two hour song challenge and put the results on Soundcloud. None of us are musicians (full disclosure: I have a bass guitar I can play a few Deftones songs on and one time when I was 12 I taught myself to play the theme from Braveheart on the piano) but we thought we'd test out whether an app could actually facilitate a non-musician to come up with something approaching actual music, or whether it would be the clusterfuck you'd expect. The rule was no 'smart' or auto-play instruments (two people broke this rule immediately to truly shocking effect, those basslines are weak), but that was it, you can do anything else you might want. Thought it might be fun to see whether anyone here would like to give it a try, might help calm everyone down a bit. Have a go, post a Soundcloud link below.