Ideas for party games please?
For our Christmas party we've having a meal, but our finance director is a bit paranoid about everyone getting too drunk. Needless to say everyone else is aware that this is the entire point. She want us to do activities so it doesn't become just about drinking.
To be fair she also doesn't want everyone to be bored. To keep her happy I've volunteered to organise some stuff as I'm the biggest partytwat and thick-skinned enough that if it falls flat or if people just don't want to feel like they're at a children's party I have no issue with that rejection and we can simply resume drinking.
So-given that this, for better or worse, is the situation.. what can I do? A pub quiz won't work because those who wish to quiz will find drunkenness irritating and those who wish to drink will find quizzes boring. So, what drunk-friendly games can I do that aren't too lame. There are 15 of us with ages ranging from 25 to 45.