1 Week On... New Site - Thoughts, Suggestions, Queries, Moans, Groans, Gripes, etc...
'Fuck you ESA'
'I Hate Change'
'The font doesn't look very nice on my version of IE6'
So, now that you've got all that out of the way and now that we have fixed quite a few of the major issues, it's time to get down to the niggles and slightly less important stuff (EVERYTHING IS IMPORTANT! I KNOW! I KNOW!). What are the main issues you have with 'New DiS'? What suggestions do you have?
Main things for me are...
- Font: feels like the spacing needs to increase and that it still isn't quite right, but is better than it was for most of you (although not as nice as it was on Macs now). Screengrabs and suggestions would be helpful if you still have issues.
- Last Post: we're not sure why this broke, so it may be a big job to fix is (I'm sure the site is still functional without it)
- Linear mode: not that many people use those according to our stats, but I'm sure it's useful for 'power users'
- Notes: quite buggy, and the 'you have one new message' crap is proving difficult to fix without buggering up a lot of other things. It needs a bit of a rethink, I think.
- space down the side of the page ----> to make room for advert feels a bit empty - whereas on the editorial it feels like the words have room to breathe
- Threadsmash - we've been taking a look at this, not sure it will work, but he's still investigating (he started this morning but we had a problem with the staff area which needed to be urgently fixed)
- Space at the ^Top^ of the page - I agree we need to look at this for the community to stop the need for so much scrolling. Suggestions welcome (removing "Boards" and "Start a Thread" might be a simple way to get an extra centimetre... reducing the spacing around the logo and shrinking the logo a touch may help too)
p.s. Please remember that DiS is run on an incredibly small budget, and as much as we'd like to improve and fix every little thing, sadly as much as I'd like everything to work perfectly we don't have the resources to do so. Feel free to donate your inheritance or volunteer Ruby on Rails developer time if you haz the skillz....