Tuesday Southern Hemisphere Thread
That Australian Greenpeace activist Colin Russell is getting thrown in a Russian gulag[citation needed] for another 3 months. Great to see Russia still abusing human rights, can't wait to see everyone cheer and pat each other on the back over how great the 2014 Olympics are.
After the US having sunk its teeth into NZ copyright laws, and John Key obliging by smiling and being a useless smug prick, it looks like they're after Australia next. The cuddly sounding 'Trans-Pacific Partnership' is an obnoxiously vague agreement that of course is intentionally vague so that they can enforce laws without having to deal with pesky things such as "due process" and "individual rights". Yay. With the big push in the UK by David Cameron atm for effectively paving the way for a ban on pornography, it looks like internet freedom is only going to get more grim.
The media are having a bit of a tantrum because the All Whites won't talk to them, having touched down back in Auckland. Any chance of them them wining in Wellington you reckon? Apparently they're playing their 'most attacking line-up ever'. Hmmm. Does this mean they're going to let in even more goals this time? Or should they just go for the 0-0-11 because they have nothing else to lose? Could be an exciting game to watch if this is the case. It's a shame we won't have Reid back to save the day.
Is there anyone who posts on DiS from the bottom half of the world that isn't from Australia or NZ? There must be at least a couple of you surely? Don't let the evil LME and their talk of hamburger bars and trains bully you into a corner.