DiSsers who use PCs
So we've discovered that Internet Explorer and computers running Xp (which is like, a decade old or some shit) have a slight issue with the new site. You can still use it, it just don't like it should.
We're working on it, but just to let you know, if it doesn't look great for you, it's likely to be because your computer is old.
I just used a PC using IE9 (which is the buggiest browser - the two before it, it's a bit nicer) and almost everything looked crap. Including Facebook and gMail, and they have like, millions. So hopefully DiS will just look as bad as everything else and you won't notice.
You might wanna think about installing another browser. Or upgrading. Or some crap.
I know some of you can't because your IT departments are cruddy, but from what we can see, this is likely to affect about 10% of users, and there's no way of knowing what percentage of those users are regulars or just random 1-page-and-gone google hits.
Sorry (and fuck you Microsoftp0rn)