Thor: The Dark World (SPOILERS)
Things I liked:
- Gratuitous topless shot about five minutes in. Oh Chris what big muscles you have.
- Generally pretty pacy, some good fights
- Natale Portman just runs round looking confused, but is still somehow great
- Honestly think Anthony Hopkins is awesome as Odin
- Was Rene Russo in the first one? Because she's great too
- Lots of London, including the car park opposite my office!
- Thor catching the Tube
- Thor hanging up his hammer
Things I didn't like
- The whole overall design feels wrong to me. A mix of sci-fi fantasy, but so much of it looks cheap, like a Kevin Sorbo Hercules episode
- Some of the baddies looked like Doctor Who villains
- Despite Tom Hiddlestone being great, he probably should have stayed dead. It just sets up even more Loki for Avengers 2 and Thor 3.
- Thor got on at Charing Cross, asked how to get to Greenwich and was told 'this train, three stops'. How hard would that have been to get right?
Anyone know what was going on with the first post-credit bit? Benicio del Torro doing his best Javier Bardem in Skyfall impression as 'The Collector'...