Here, let me make you feel better about your life
By telling you about mine:
tuesday evening the car broke down and stranded me in the middle of nowhere. 5 hours after ringing the RAC we dropped it off at a garage and went home. Next day the car refuses to even start and has now completely broken -
Cost to fix a fucking beat up old polo: £1930
So I'm carless, cant afford a new one and cant get to work without one...
Borrowed the mrs' mum's car - that one broke down yesterday and is knackered
Wednesday daytime the kitchen ceiling collapses following a slow leak and explodes black dust and grime all over the house
Wednesday evening the mrs' dad gets diagnosed with cancer
Today the ceiling was fixed and the house again totally ruined with grime. BUT...
The builders blocked a drain around the back and during the storm earlier on the whole downstairs flooded including ruining the sofas, 360 and various other things
AND top top that off I just gashed my arm real bad trying to scoop the water out