trendy cakes
inspired by every man and his cunt talking about the great British bake off.
Yeah cakes and bread and stuff is nice, no problem with that. You want to make a fancier, nicer one, go ahead, all sounds lovely so far.
You want to make one look like a (really shit) octopus? Put some dough 'bees' on a bit of bread with honey on it as a bit of a 'theme'? Colour them all in and that? Not having it, you're wasting your time.
What's the point? They don't even look good. The bloke down the Chinese can cut a carrot into a shape that looks better in a fraction of the time, but not everyone oohs and ahhs about that.
Also it seems everyone these days is starting some sort of amazing cupcake 'business' from their kitchen. Yeah fine, if you like baking carry on. Nice little hobby I suppose. The rest of us aren't really interested though.