Things that weren't really problems for people when it didn't affect them but now are huge issues
Further to the whole housing thing earlier where now that mid-level bankers and top estate agents can't afford London property, IT'S A NATIONAL EPIDEMIC it reminded me of a story I heard over the weekend.
Basically that Tory Mitchell dude who was accused of calling the Police 'plebs' got found out to be in the clear and the 3 officers totally made it up, and yet they face no action against them.
And now that the politicians and media have got hold of it there were a spate of stories over the weekend about how this needs an independent enquiry as it's not on.
They're right, it's not really; BUT I recall joeymahone posting a damning list of stats regarding police prosecutions a while back that got overlooked including members of the public dying in custody, wrongful prosecutions, illegal raids etc. yet that all goes uninvestigated.
So, in short, not really sure of what this thread is about; maybe examples of where people get interested in something because it affects them? Maybe politicians being dicks? Maybe an excuse to bash the police?