The Declining State of Self-Service Tills.
What was once a bastion of self regulation and a shining example of the British (this is from my experience in N. Ireland, but still) penchant for queueing has gone to shit.
Every time I go to pay at one it's basically a free for all.
There's always one dickhead who forms their own one-person queue, and then people start queueing behind them and assume that they're in the right and barge on ahead of the sole, rightful queue.
Or there's the wanker who assigns themselves as the lord high overseer of the queue; urging people forward the second that someone has finished their sale.
Or the impatient bastard who comes and starts using your till when you've finished your sale but are still there filling your Sainsbury's bag-for-life with the cat on it.
It makes me really sad.