recent unusual interactions with fellow humans
That have left you reeling somewhat.
Got on a bus the other day. Asked for a single to so and so.
Driver said something.
Me- 'sorry, didnt catch that'
me- um, sorry, somewhere near a bridge or whatever. Not entirely sure.
He slammed the change down into my hand and I stood near the front listening to music.
Couple minutes later I could see him gesturing with his fat hands in my direction. What did he want, man?
He gestured to pull my music out and called me over. Internally, I was pretty down about this. Why does he want to talk to me again, I thought? This is so dull.
Turns out he only gave me 80p change, instead of £2.80. He started telling me it was a good job he was honest. Not really I thought. You are infact the most boring cretin I had encountered for a few weeks, at least. I kept trying to put my music back on, but he kept saying stuff, like trying to be mymate, or whatever.
Got to my destination and asked him to let me off anywhere round here (I dont like to press the bell unnecessarily)
His parting shot was something like 'yeah, I could tell straight away youre not very experienced when it comes to buses' why would he feel the need to say this?
This man mustve known he was a source of annoyance to me. Hence pushing my buttona all the way.
Why did any of this happen? Just let me travel from a to b with minimal human interaction, ffs.
Thats a lot of words above.