The note technique and peeling ginger with a teaspoon both work!
Boyfriend has been driving me nuts lately because he doesn’t load the dishwasher after he’s cooked, I keep asking and asking but it doesn’t seem to sink in.
He wasn’t home yet when I was heading out on Saturday night so I left a little post it on the cooker saying “<3 <3 hey ‘petname’, don’t forget to put the stuff in the dishwasher when you’ve finished and turn it on xxx love you soooooo much xxxx”
Got a text from him while I was out saying he’d got the note and it made him laugh and when I got home kitchen was clean and dishwasher was loaded (he hadn’t turned it on though but I didn’t say anything). If I ever ask him we end up arguing but notes make him laugh.
Also, I am amazed at how well a teaspoon peels ginger.