Aquarists of DiS
Are there any?
This could either be a really interesting thread where loads of people talk about their amazing fish and tanks, or it could sink without a trace. I'm going to bet on the latter.
I have just got started with a 30 litre tank in which I intend to keep tetra. I am as interested in the plants as much as the fish.
I cycled my water with the plants in the tank and seemed to have completed it within 7 days, which seems really fast, but I did a big water change, added some fish flakes to get the NH and NO2 levels up - overnight they'd converted to 0 and reading of ca.20 NO3. Took the water to a fish shop at the weekend and they said it was fine, so I introduced some fish on Saturday.
Flora and fauna so far are:
Amazon sword (though not sure of the type) attached to wood
Dwarf sag
Crinum calamistratum
3 glowlight tetra
I intend on adding 2 more glowlights, 5 neons and 10-15 various shrimp (red cherry, tiger, amano)
The dream is a 1000 litre marine tank with corals and psychedelic coloured fish.
What's yours?