About Time *SPOILERS*
Anyone seen it? I felt very conflicted by it. I'm quite keen on Richard Curtis's brand of posh boy saying stuttery romantic things to American girl in a fantasy version of London, so those bits were alright.
But the time-travel bits were utterly disastrous, like Richard Curtis hadn't spent more than 30 seconds thinking about them.
How did he undo the bit where he changed the creation of his own baby?
Why when Tim and his dad went back in time TOGETHER was Tim suddenly a young boy?
How did this not Butterfly Effect stuff up, when they'd stated it was against the rules?
When they go back in time, are they missing in the real world?
Why don't they see themselves when they go back in time, or do they *become* themselves?
I thought there'd be tonnes of blogs ranting about this but I haven't found any yet: maybe because the crossover between people who watch Richard Curtis films and people who rant about sci-fi inaccuracies on the internet is small? But here I am.