moments in life when you think
'yeah, this is the beginning of something new and exciting and I'm all over it'
..only to bugger it up due to being an airhead.
I got a gig as an extra on Warhorse a few years ago. the filming was local and it was good money - £150 a day. guaranteed 6 weeks work. niiiice
Anyway, I got a confirmation email confirming location etc and what I needed to bring and what have you
I studied this email over and over, checking off all the bits I'd need, checking google maps etc
Anyway, the day of the shoot I got into my friends car, who very kindly offered to drop me (for free!!!!) and checked the email again, just one more time...
...oh no, the filming started YESTERDAY! haha. I had checked every detail, but had only given the date a cursory glance and had foolishly thought it was on a Sunday.
I cried a little - maybe 3 or 4 tears. My career in acting was over.
I could have been something...
Examples of this sort of stuff, please...