terrible films you have watched recently
i subscribe to netflix so have a world of awful awful films at my fingertips.
i recently watched ARENA which might be the worst film i have ever seen. Straight to video release starred samuel l jackson (good god he makes a lot of shit films)as a dude running at illegal gladiatorial type killing contest on the internet HA! - i didn't recognize anyone else in it - it was truly truly awful.
also watched TOWER BLOCK, which is one of those awful horror ish films where you have a psycho picking off a group of people you don't care about one by one, this time in a tower block and starring lots of people i've seen on crap british telly programmes. Great (awful) twist at the end when the villain is revealed to be the guy who you saw at the beginning of the film and then didn't turn up again until the reveal, or the only person in the film who hasn't been killed / isn't being attacked. mildly enjoyable in a STOP THE CLICHES kind of way
terrible stuff all round