DiS crews
you know, the ones who always laugh at each others jokes, or this their pals posts
here's what I've established during my career
the footie lot - real love in with these guys. they're cool though, but sometimes its ok to mock your frineds
zxbmx/theo/lucyn/that other one - oh so fucking knowing. how dare you start a thread and imagine if you commented on something they said! they need to chill out and embrace life
the feminists - dud being the leader. theres also someone called tiramasu, who writes too many words. they seem ok
the manchester crew - beards and more beards. like arty shit
the real pretentious crew - loiuse tekka being the leader. DoC, when he's not wanking over his duvet, aso a member of this crew, trying to outdo you on the most obscure films imaginable. DULL.
that's all I know
any more?