Finding a house share
It is IMPOSSIBLE to find a house share in (insert your major city) mine being Dublin. Had a place sorted early. Settled happily knowing I had it BAM two weeks later they decided to go with their friend instead. Now its been another two weeks and Uni is about to start and I have nothing. I am going to be kicked out of the place I currently am staying in a week and I have a job where I work till 10 mostly so commuting from bleedin Waterford - its 3 hours bus journey away - is looking like the most likely option.
Ive only been able to view one place that had a queue out the door. Most of them don't email back, don't answer the phone and most popularly email you an hour before your viewing to say the room is gone.
Yeah I know first world problems, children dying in Africa..... but at least they die in somewhat of a possibly dilapidated home.
Point is... please share your trying to find a house horror stories or encouragements. I should think we'd all appreciate a bit of them at this time of year.