ongoing Boardwalk Empire Series 4 thread (inc. spoilers)...
Starts in a few days. Really thought Series 3 was fantastic, just, well...everything Gyp Rosetti did, the Capone stuff, Richard clearing house, etc, top notch. It's definitely not far off Sopranos/The Wire levels of good for me now.
Really hope they go for something else than just wheeling in another rival to Nucky and having the series build-up to a violent climax whilst Margaret whinges a bit and Richard feels sorry for himself, though. Geoffrey Wright's character suggests otherwise.
Has anyone read the book, or anything about the real life characters, if so are there any clues in there as to who might become prominent players and who might go swimming with the fishes?
Think i'd like to see Nucky take a bit of a back step, maybe getting involved with Esther Randolph, and the focus to move onto Al Capone a bit more, Richard to go full scale off-the-rails mad, Chalky to become a bit less of a pantomime character, but mainly just hope Rothstein caps the shit out of absolutely everyone (easily the best character).