Thursday Gaming Thread
CoD: Ghosts and GTAV multiplayer modes unveiled today in what will probably be the most played online modes for the next 12 months. Be interesting to see if GTAV cracks it.
Saints Row 4 reviews are largely all hugely positive, saying it's utterly stupid, barmy good fun.
Posters up on the tubes everywhere for Splinter Cell Blacklist; does it have enough of a following to warrant a huge ad campaign? Regardless, reviews are also pretty positive, though every game gets an 8/10 these days anyhow, right?
8 markets won't now see Xboxone until 2014. Not sure why people ever get fussed about these things anyway as: a) this always happens and b) the first good games for a new console usually come out about a year after it launches anyhow.
Iwata says that the Wii U's failings aren't down to price.
What are you all playing?
I'm on the final bit of The Last Story. Some seriously hard bosses at the end nearly made me give in but am determined to finish it now. It's a funny game, 75% awesome and 25% Wiimote smashingly annoying.
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Prompted by this (pretty dull) article about distractions within games: what tasks within games ended up becoming more than asides but occupying hours of your time?
Fishing in Zelda:OoTime obviously should be right up there.