Is anyone a member of a cycling club?
I'm thinking of joining my local one (Islington CC).
How hardcore are cycling clubs? I'm a keen amateur without any real interest in racing or anything like that - I just want to go on fairly long cycles with other people. I'm also not fussed about talking about bike specs and all that kind of stuff. One step up from going for a cycle with a load of people on Pashleys, but below the whole 'cycling is my life' stick-thin, shave your legs types, I guess.
If you are a member of a club, how long (distance/time) are the weekly cycles roughly? Islington CC say that they do them but don't say how long they last. I don't want to get half way round and be too tired to make it back! Reckon I could do about 20 miles, something like that.
So if you're a member of a cycling club, tell me about it!
Hmmm, interesting...