squash league etiquette advice thread.
desperate to play some squash since my squash partner left to go TRAVELLING, I've joined the league at my gym.
i'm starting right at the bottom, and have been put in box 7 for the month of August.
the table has the contact details of everyone so, as soon as it was put up, i got all excited and contacted the four other guys in my box to arrange some games.
i sent an e-mail to all four on Sunday. not a single reply.
so last night i sent a text message to all four. not a single reply.
what do i do now?
i don't want to be an irritant, but i also just want to play some fucking squash. i paid 10 quid for this.
should i contact them again? or just tell the league administrator that no one is replying to my game requests? i don't want to look like i'm telling on them to teacher. but also, i just want to play some squash.
what to do now?
(LONG. sorry)