Somehow since moving from london to my parents' house to my flat I have lost the thing that makes my TV work, the thing that connects it to the plug in the wall. My friend had a look and says it maybe needs something from a kettle? (I was too embarrassed at being a technobimbo to ask him to elaborate so I just said OH THAT, easy!)
Does anybody know what it could be and where I could get one? I think it's a panasonic tv. (gowman RIP recommended it to me and obv I would ask him if he was here.)
Once I get this connector, do any of the Glasgow boys fancy coming round and showing me how to make it work and I'll repay in beer? (I can't ask my ex husband because I'm pretending to him that I've moved beyond the 'unable to change a lightbulb' stage in life). Which reminds, me, I do also need a bulb changing so tall DiSers would be best....