Best Offies To Get Wanky Beer For Cheap
i like me some wanky "craft" IPAs and wheatbeers and belgian trapists etc. you can now get lots of good stuff at lots of mid sized supermarkets, but can anyone recommend places that have very good ranges?
if we get enough answers here, then maybe we won't have to go out of our ways to get stuff that tastes really good.
to start with:
Jack's on Stroud Green Road, near Finsbury Park:
tiny, unasuming offie, insanely good range of beers
Central Food And News on St Giles High St, near Tottenham Court Road:
overpriced, but insanely good selection considering the location and how shite it looks
then there's places that are specialist and fairly expensive, but good ranges still eg on old street on wardour street, soho
other things: all wholefoods places seem to have awesome selections, often not even that expensive. spar in walthamstow is famously wanky and highly recommended. the massive tesco in Surrey Quays has a very decent beer section.
so have you found a place with a good range of beers recently? how's the pricing?