has anyone ever sent off unsolicited stuff to a publisher? (novels n' shit)
with a view to them receiving it and going, 'by fuck, this is sensational, send a telegram in response saying that this is hot stuff and we want more'.... etc etc.
i've got the first three chapters (5000 words)of my hobby novel finished, and the rest of it planned out.
i've found the odd publisher who seems willing to take unsolicited chapters...
but is it worth doing? what are the actual chances?
is there a better thing for me to do with these pages, or shall i just put them in a drawer so i can one day say, 'yeah, i started a novel once, YAP YAP YAP'
p.s. if you were wondering, it's a bildungsroman about a young man born into a great line of classically trained chefs, who decides to go against family convention and eschew the typical restaurant work ethic and instead open up a street food pop-up in dalston. at first, his father rejects his dream, but as the blogs start to waggle, and a national Sunday supplement begins to fish around for a feature, there may be a way back for this fractured father son relationship with a chance for the son to prove himself in his father's eyes.
no set ideas, but i'm working with 'Fathers and Buns' as a guide title.