My sister works in Africa, she was the one who first told me of Popobowa.
There is an evil spirit known as Popobowa who is a hybrid of bat and man, a ‘batman’ if you will. Popobowa is mainly famous around Tanzanian islands. The creature is feared because it forcibly anally rapes adult men and women.
The only way to protect yourself from being raped by Popobowa, is to tell everyone that you have been raped by Popobowa.
This has led to mass outbreaks of hysteria as people have told everyone they’ve been raped by Popobowa, leading all those people they’ve told to tell everyone as well.
I like how this is a real life example of ‘The Emperor’s New Clothes’. Pretty good example of how ‘chain letters’ and memes work as well.
Anyone know of any other demonic creatures we need to be looking out for?