Posting Bugs
Anyone else noticed that thing where you see a new reply has been posted but the reply doesn't show up? I haven't noticed this happening for a while, wondering if it's because we're running out of memory or being walloped by some search engine spider or whatever it is that slows the site down a bit. Just checking if this is something that is new or happens more often at this time of the day (there may be some kind of site back up thing that happens at this time of day) or just happening to me.
p.s. you all won't believe me, but I've saved up some ad rev and am meeting a proper Ruby on Rails development firm next week. Tentatively aiming for new site to be ready for our 13th Birthday in October (yeah, 13, UNLUCKY 4 EVERYONE!). Which is crazy, as the new site was very almost ready for testing back in February last year, but I was kept hanging on by developer who took on another (better paid) project, and then gave up, found a new guy, who somehow managed to take things backwards (let's just say I didn't end up paying very much of invoice for that 'quality service').