in the metro today theres a friendly human interest story about a man with a fart fetish
Talking about how he became fascinated at a young age when a girl squeaked one out in school. He'd make impossible bets with kids so he'd lose and they'd gas him in the face for a week - h'd have 5 or 6 on the go at once, crawling into one arsehole after another.
There was that guy a few years back that was convicted for sniffing bus seats as soon as they stood up, that slurry man, and that prominent lady DiSer who told everyone she loves the pungent whiff of a sticky, sweaty gooch (filthy cah).
Anyway the Metro have spoken. This is a mainstream kink now, a genuine thing. Expect to see Tyrone and Fiz defecating into each others mouths by Christmas.
Any of you virgins like to huff a guff?