Cooking thread: Are you able to conjure up interesting meal ideas from scratch?
I envy people who have really good cooking instincts. Y'know those people who are able to throw together a really interesting, tasty meal just from looking at what's in their fridge, or people whose heads are buzzing with ideas and recipes when they go round a decent market or food shop
I feel pitifully reliant on recipes, and I waste too much food as I might only use the ingredient for one dish and then completely forget I have it. With most other areas of life I'm able to remember details and make quick connections between related ideas, but when it comes to cooking I'm really forgetful and don't really feel like my instincts have developed, despite having cooked for myself since being at university five years ago
So here I am trawling through the goodFood website looking for stuff to cook, when I know its July and I'm sure there's tons of delicious seasonal stuff that's really obvious to other people
So I guess main question is - how does one improve? It's not that I can't follow a recipe per say, Its more just having the ideas in the first place