This photo, to me, best sums up urban London living.
Firstly, it’s nicely composed, it has beauty. Urban areas are beautiful – it’s not all putrid canals and ethnic tension. I like all the rectangles: windows, chairs, parking garage, doors, houses, walls. Like a Mondrian. And the different materials – wood, tin, brick, greenery. The light is dappled in an English Romantic way yet it falls upon a scene of banality, an urban suburb. I like the way two chairs are together with one set apart. Quite metaphorical, innit? What with the way London tends to be both full of communities and strangely isolating. And the class aspiration those chairs suggest. Once they would do, these chairs. Now they will not do. Now they look like something from the dining room of a bad hotel. Time for an upgrade! Obviously I love NO PARKIND. Cities pile error upon error and yet somehow they still work. I mean, you would still know not to park there. But I guess it’s FROM YA MUM which won my heart. Brevity being the soul of wit.
Hmmm, interesting...